The roar of the crowd. The crack of the bat. The blood, sweat, and tears shed. The countless hours of practice. The thousands of tackles, ground balls, passes, and patterns run that enable the win. AstroTurf labors to make all of these experiences a reality. Our focus on player safety, product durability, and game day performance has gotten us this far. But we never rest.
AstroTurf was invented in 1964 and is now part of the SportGroup, arguably the largest sports surfacing company in the world. Profitable and well-funded, German-based SportGroup is the global leader in artificial turf systems and running tracks, with more than 1,000 employees. Founded 40 years ago, SportGroup now owns manufacturing facilities across the globe and operates in 70 countries. It has supplied more than 8,000 artificial turf surfaces and around 17,000 athletics tracks globally. This includes fields for major sporting events like the Olympic Games in Beijing, London, Rio, and Tokyo.
SportGroup companies and brands include Polytan, APT, Melos, Polytex, LigaTurf, Rekortan, Team Sports, SYNLawn, and Poligras.
Clients Benefit From:
Focus & Specialization
AstroTurf is proud to be a part of a team driven to advance the sports surfacing industry.
The union encourages collaboration among research teams across the globe. The combined resources ensure the rapid development of the next generation of innovations for the sports surfacing industry.
With both AstroTurf and SportGroup now larger and stronger than ever before, clients’ investments are even better protected long term. AstroTurf warranties are among the best in the industry.
Expanded Product Offerings
By being a member of Sport Group, we have been able to forge a team of sports surfacing companies that are focused on introducing the most cutting-edge technologies for today’s highly trained athletes.
Together, the complementary brands offer:
- More FIFA, FIH, and World Rugby-certified systems and pitches than ever before
- Industry-leading baseball and softball systems
- More RootZone products and installations than any other provider on the market
- Top-tier and Olympic level field hockey surfaces
- Legendary track and court brands
The brands under the SportGroup umbrella have earned impeccable reputations for quality. Many of our manufacturing plants are ISO certified.
AstroTurf has been manufactured in Dalton, GA since 1968. Our customers can count on products of superior quality, support after the sale, and quick response times.
Our Executive Team
Our team has more experience developing, making, selling and installing turf fields than any competing company, which is an asset that cannot be overstated.